Unorthodox is a feature documentary film that began in 2004, when Anna Wexler and Nadja Oertelt were undergrads studying neuroscience at MIT. It took the filmmakers nine years to complete the film, which offers an unprecedented look at the Modern Orthodox Jewish community in America and at the phenomenon of religious transformation after spending time in Israel. The film has been likened to an Orthodox Jewish version of "Devil's Playground," a 2002 documentary that follows several adolescents from the Amish community as they leave (and return to) the faith. Unorthodox, however, offers a more intimate glimpse into a secluded world, as Anna herself grew up in the Modern Orthodox Jewish community and her personal narration frames the film.
You can read more about the unique story behind the making of Unorthodox in Anna's director's statement (pdf). You can also check out our Kickstarter page from December 2011/January 2012, where we raised over $22,000 to finish the film. We update our Facebook page frequently, too.
For distribution inquiries:
Danny Costa, Direct Current Laboratories
[email protected]
For all other inquiries: [email protected]
For press: download our press kit (pdf) or press kit + hi-res images (zip file).
You can read more about the unique story behind the making of Unorthodox in Anna's director's statement (pdf). You can also check out our Kickstarter page from December 2011/January 2012, where we raised over $22,000 to finish the film. We update our Facebook page frequently, too.
For distribution inquiries:
Danny Costa, Direct Current Laboratories
[email protected]
For all other inquiries: [email protected]
For press: download our press kit (pdf) or press kit + hi-res images (zip file).